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Abstract Linear Background

As a result of her online child protection work, Dr. Doak-Gebauer has been appointed Ambassador for Canada to the United States Presidential Service Center.  She was recently in a worldwide interview, broadcast live to 205 countries and 
live at the Cannes Film Festival, linked here.

Charlene is known for her: 
Theories of 
©Digital Supervision and 
©Digital Sex Trafficking

The majority of children use gaming systems, iPads, cell phones, laptops - digital devices of all kinds.  Few adults realize the magnitude of their responsibilities as parents and professionals.
Divided into three parts - awareness, method, and hope. Methods are provided to help monitor and supervise your children as they game, do social media, surf and chat on the Internet.

Charlene  explains that digital sex trafficking has to occur before sextortion.  Children are being digitally sex trafficked daily and parents, guardians, professionals have little knowledge.  Often, Digital Sex Trafficking occurs once without continuance to sextortion for the predator to avoid detection.  Once a predator has pics and 
videos from one child, they may go on to other children.  
Predators can have as many as 30 to 250 victims each.​

Thinking of purchasing a cellphone or gaming system for your child?  It is important to realize the cellphone is one of the most dangerous items to give a child.  Prior to giving it to the child, please review your rules surrounding use, and consider having a Digital Supervision contract with your child.  Please see link below for a sample contract, being given complimentary in the interest of the safety of children and families.



Dr. Charlene Doak-Gebauer is a Film Producer and Director

"Her Theory of Digital Supervision is the

basis of the documentary Charlene produced/co-directed

"Vulnerable Innocence" (newest release 2024)

This documentary has won

25 awards internationally to date!

As an author, she has written two books - "Digital Sexual Victims: True Cases", and "The Internet: 

Are Children In Charge?"

Books available on Amazon


PLEASE NOTE:  Dr. Charlene has clear objectives for her presentations:

  • To provide multimedia presentations through guest speaking, workshops, and/or seminars to groups, on topics related to recognizing and preventing child sexual abuse material and online child exploitation;


  • To expand the established education model (©Doak-Gebauer) by providing courses, workshops, and seminars, as it is related to recognizing and detecting violent threats to public safety (radicalization);


  • To customize multimedia presentations using her Theories of Digital Supervision and Digital Sex Trafficking as they relate to group and organization requests;


  • To operate without country borders, prejudice, and/or discrimination against any political views, religions, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities (nonpartisan);


  • To emphasize the online safety of ALL children.




What our audiences are saying:

"Thanks again for the education, and enlightening our administration."

Ontario School Board, Canada

"Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence. Your expertise on "Internet Sense for Internet Safety" and your presentation, were very well received by the delegates on that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we have received positive post-conference feedback on your presentation!"

Crime Stoppers Provincial Conference, Kitchener Ontario


"Insights in EI  for children.  Wow..especially covering the most important area of online access for children.  Amazing..her pragmatic style of speaking makes everyone a fan in few moments.  She was the speaker at the 12th THRIVE International Confluence on 'EI'.  This amazing knowledgable speaker with her elegance and softness mesmerized everyone in the Confluence.  You enlightened the THRIVE platform with your profound words.  It was impressive and well appreciated the way you engaged with the audience.  Her energy is contagious and her orator skills amazing.  Awesome speech .....  Each participant wanted to listen endlessly.  Wow, you were appreciated by one. and all."

KP Singh, India, Confluence involving 80+ countries.


"I was absolutely thrilled with your presentation and it sounds like you had a very lasting impression on our students and faculty at the school.  I'm sure my teammates would agree that we would love it if you could come back to our school in future years!  We will definitely be raving about the evening at our home and School and School Council Meetings."  

Carrie Wakem, Home & School Association President, Victoria Public School, London, Ontario Canada.



"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."

Benjamin Franklin


©All rights reserved Dr. Charlene Doak-Gebauer

To Contact Dr. Charlene:


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